Project Title A Multi-Sided Business Platform for Plug and Produce Industrial Product Service Systems – Sub-Project Data2Profile
Sector Metal processing
Funding/budget 50 KEUR
Short project Summary
Usually, a marketplace is sharing information related to the static characteristics of an industrial product (a machine), like type of material to be processed, average consumption of energy etc. All this information is required in order to understand what a machine can perform. However, for buying a machine in a marketplace, there is a need to know the details about “how” a machine is working, i.e. its performance during the operation. For example, it would be interesting to know how is energy consumed (over the entire period, and not only the average value) when processing some specific metal types. In that way, it would be possible not only to understand the energy consumption (like, is it high at the beginning of the process and decreases later during the process), but also to detect some anomalies (outliers) in the consumption.
Main goal of this proposal is to provide such a service (TRL7) in the form of a MARKET4.0 app and to demonstrate its performance and added value in the metal processing domain. The service will generate a so called “performance profiling” of the machine capability based on the data recorded in the actual operations. The basis will be Netico data analytics framework.
Partner 1: Netico GmbH
Established in 2010 and based in Horgen, Switzerland, with the R&D and service branch in Serbia, Netico operates worldwide, directly or through the network of system integrators and partners. Netico is a customer-oriented and agile technology company specialised in delivering products and services to industrial customers, in the domain of Industrial Internet of Things. We believe that leveraging consumer technologies in industrial applications creates a sustainable competitive edge for engineers and end users. Netico is one of the first companies combining extensive experience in industrial automation with rapid growth of consumer information and communication technologies to create new products and services for professional use.