Project Title An integrated predictive maintenance solution on robotic production line equipment

Sector High-Tech

Funding/budget 250 KEUR

Short project Summary

Probotain provides a holistic approach for an integrated view of the predictive maintenance needs in a connected smart manufacturing environment. The project brings together production equipment and ICT service and app providers and system integrators to deliver an end-to-end solution for AI analytics driven predictive maintenance for robotic equipment installed at the manufacturing production environments. This is driven by the need to effectively predict maintenance schedules across such operations, based on the registered equipment profile and the data collected from historical use of this equipment, all combined with any interconnected information from relevant manufacturing systems and visualized for decision making purposes. The solution exploits situational awareness capabilities from bottom-up analysis of real time sensor data regarding the health monitoring of the industrial robotics to provide insights of expected maintenance periods that may influence key business objectives of the respective manufacturing organisations. Such manufacturers will have the chance to experiment with innovative integrated solutions for predictive maintenance and validate its potential for reducing their operational costs due to improved uptime periods and control over the lifetime of the supporting robotics equipment, and the reductions in the wasted semi-finished products due to unexpected failures of such equipment.


AEGIS IT RESEARCH GmbH (AEGIS for short) is a research and development SME company based in Germany developing and managing innovative IT solutions for numerous business sectors. It is based on a highly effective professional team consisting of talented researchers and top-class IT experts from all over the world. This team empowers the company with a strong, diverse skillset which helps AEGIS offer innovative products and high-tech business solutions to the market. The main areas of expertise include Digital Forensic Investigations, adaptive Big Data visualization systems, Geographical Information Systems, secure embedded platforms, access control and network security systems, privacy preserving systems, enterprise web applications and the complete lifecycle of IT systems. AEGIS is coordinating the Probotain activities and will act as the system integrator to develop and deliver the resulting solution for the manufacturing sector. Of the main implementation tasks in the project, AEGIS will also offer the visualization toolkit, namely the IoT the Monitoring and Historical Analysis App that will be traded through the MARKET4.0 marketplace.

Partner 2 Power Evolution srl

Power Evolution srl (PE srl for short) is based in Belpasso, Catania (Italy) with more than ten years experience in developing robotic systems for manufacturing. Its experience is in the field of industrial facilities management and industrial automation. It is highly specialized in the fields of High Tech, Semiconductor and Energy. Since almost ten years, the company has a dedicated division for robotics and IoT. PE srl will cover the hardware and electronics related activities for realizing a high TRL prototype for predictive maintenance.

Partner 3: University of Novi Sad Faculty of Sciences (UNSPMF)

University of Novi Sad Faculty of Sciences (UNSPMF) is an educational and research institution with 5 departments, around 600 employees and 6000 students. UNSPMF is very active in international collaboration and various EU research and innovation initiatives[1]. The Department of Mathematics and Informatics (DMI[2]) of UNSPMF hosts the only national center of excellence in mathematics: Center for Mathematical Research of Nonlinear Phenomena[3], as well as the Scientific Computing Research Group (SCORG[4]). DMI researchers participate in several EU-funded international projects in the domains of Internet of Things, Big Data, and high-performance computing. An integral part of the UNSPMF is the Information Systems Development Laboratory – a laboratory with 20 years of experience in building various information systems and business software. In Probotain, UNSPMF brings their expertise in services that harness data analytics techniques to extract value from various data types, such as plant floor data and robotic systems data, as well as data analytics methods and techniques that involve both traditional machine learning and deep learning methods and the respective compute frameworks.





Probotain on Market4.0 YouTube Channel