About IPC

IPC is the Technical Industrial Centre of the French plastics and composites industry, with more than 3000 SMEs directly connected to IPC. As such, IPC is in charge of providing the plastics and composites industry with innovative and high added value facilities and manufacturing pilot lines, cutting edge expertise and services. IPC covers the full industry value chain with its key fields of expertise including design and simulation of parts and processes; advanced injection moulding and tooling; thermoplastics materials; composites materials; plastronics. Main markets addressed today encompass automotive, aeronautics, health, packaging, connectors, house appliances and horology. Developing new value chains is a key strategic issue with focus e.g. micron / sub-micron structured plastic parts, modelling, design, microsystems on plastics, smart composites, multi-materials additive manufacturing. For the specific aim at designing and modelling the behaviour of advanced products, IPC offers comprehensive and combined range of facilities including computing, testing, analysis, technology transfer. IPC builds its excellence on a team composed of experts in materials and products modelling (12 people including 5 PhDs), materials and manufacturing processes (25 people including 10 PhDs).

IPC offers expertise:

  • Either in a comprehensive development project: from pilot feasibility study to product industrialisation
  • Or in response to specific requests from its clients: design optimisation, rheological research and thermal optimization, materials research and substitution, testing and MAP tooling, producing pilot series, validating specifications, etc.

IPC has a strong experience in collaborative projects with an average of 25 running projects per year. It has previously been coordinating two FP7 projects and is currently coordinating two H2020 Projects. IPC is currently partner of five H2020 projects.
