Project Title High Precision Bending and Cutting machines for Metal Industry 4.0

Sector Metal

Funding/budget 100 KEUR

Short project Summary

The GREAT proposal ambition is to introduce RICO, a high-tech machine construction company for the metal industry, in a specialized digital marketplace. This company produces customized press brakes and guillotine shears according to the customers’ needs. Moreover, due to its software development capabilities, different data driven services are provided in order to support end users to improve product design and productivity.

Therefore, this proposal aims to support RICO not only sharing their solutions (machines and software) information within the Market4.0 platform for e-commerce purposes, but also to facilitate order customization process through the marketplace, using a full compliant Market4.0 app for machines configuration, supporting the interaction between the supplier and the customer. Moreover, a specific domain App will be developed to be traded through the market4.0 marketplace.

This consortium is led by a niche manufacturing company of high precision Press Brakes and Guillotine Shears machines (RICO), with internal software capabilities and resources, two metal products manufacturing companies, which will test and use the platform as a final user and a Research Institute for R&D (INESC TEC).


Tomás Castro Silva founded Rico in 1969, as a manufacture of plate rolls and drilling machines. With the experience gained, in 1975, Rico got involved in press brakes and guillotine shears development and the first export sales naturally surged in the early eighties, as a confirmation of the levels of reputation and experience meanwhile achieved.

In a competitive world of challenges, Rico is a family owned business with a sustainable growth strategy focused in the quality and innovation of the solutions provided to our customers. All the investigation, development and manufacturing of sheet metal working solutions is made internally at our premises, in co-operation with universities and a network of reliable suppliers

RICO develops and produces high performance press brakes and guillotine shears for global markets, while develops specific domain software for efficient use of their products (e.g. Offline product development, simulation and optimization). RICO also offers training and qualified technical services related to their products.

RICO is now a worldwide reference, especially in the most demanding market segments. Rico machines are now running in several reference companies and we foster for proximity and strong partnerships with every Rico customer and machine user.

RICO is the leader of the consortium for this Open Call proposal. As leader of the proposal, RICO will be responsible for the project management and monitoring (T1.2). From a technical perspective, RICO will lead the development of the machine customization app (T3.1) as well as the machines monitoring (T3.3) and predictive maintenance apps (T.3.2). Finally, RICO is responsible for the task related with exploitation and new business models (T4.2).

Country: Portugal

Partner 2: Cubotónic Industria Metalomedlnica, Lda

CUBOTONIC produces for subcontracting and are ideal partners for outsourcing for different-sized companies from different areas, such as: the automotive industry, the banking sector; furniture, road construction and telecommunications and networks, amongst many others.

CUBOTONIC uses the latest later cutting technology and is proud to ensure a high level of detail and quality in its services. Equipped with Trumpf Truflow 3030 3200w, offering an infinite number of part geometries in the different materials. The cutting geometry can be defined by the customers or obtained by CUBOTONIC, either with files design software. CUBOTONIC produces components of various materials in small or large series.

The bending of parts at Cubotónic is carried out by experienced operators. The company has a wide range of customized solutions and machines with 5 axle CNC, which allows an increase in profitability and bending. We bend sheets from any type of metal with a 4-metre and 200-ton limit, enabling generous thicknesses to be attained.

CUBOTONIC also uses the latest technology in sheet metal cutting with CNC punching. Equipped with FinnPower and Raskin, CUBOTONIC offers highly versatile CNC drilling and stamping and high standards of rigour. CUBOTONIC offers a wide range of punches in various formats. CUBOTONIC will take the role of final user from metal sector that will experiment the Market4.0 platform to buy RICO’s machines and services. CUBOTONIC will participate in the use cases definition, piloting and feedback gathering processes.

Country: Portugal

Partner 3: Excal

Excal, is the lead commercial refrigeration manufacturer in Spain and one of most relevant in Europe and Worldwide. Excal bring value to its customers with its wide range of sustainable and innovative remote and plug-in cabinets, also specialty by       Excal offers a complete and global service that provides B2B solutions to the refrigeration and retail sectors. Excal way is the sustainable evolution through the technological application and continuous improvement.

EXKAL CONCEPT is specialized in the design, development and manufacture of special cases for the retail food sector, including refrigerated, neutral and hot cabinets.

EXKAL CONCEPT range comprises showcases, low multidecks, multidecks, fish decks, neutral work tables, refrigerated tables, sinks and special cabinets to display food products according to the customer specifications and needs, meeting with the optimal performance, ergonomics and use standards.

EXKAL will take the role of final user from metal sector that will experiment the Market4.0 platform to buy RICO’s machines and services. EXKAL will participate in the use cases definition, piloting and feedback gathering processes.

Country: Spain

Partner 4: INESC TEC

INESC TEC is an Associate Laboratory, a private non-profit research institution, dedicated to scientific research and technological development, technology transfer, advanced consulting and training, and pre-incubation of new technology-based companies. As an institution operating at the interface of the academic and business worlds, bringing closer together academia, companies, public administration, and society, INESC TEC typically applies the knowledge and results generated as part of its research in technology transfer projects, seeking value creation and immediate social relevance. Present in six sites in the cities of Porto, Braga and Vila Real, INESC TEC incorporates 13 R&D Centres, structured in four thematic domains – Computer Science, Industry and Innovation, Networked Intelligent Systems, and Power and Energy. INESC TEC hosts over 700 integrated researchers (about 350 PhDs), including staff researchers, researchers from Higher Education Institutions, grant holders and affiliated researchers. INESC TEC’s team also includes trainees, and technical and administrative support staff. INESC TEC will serve as scientific and research entity, being leader of work package 2 – Market 4.0 foundations and interoperability and 4 – Use Cases, Dissemination and Exploitation and assuring the execution of tasks 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 4.1 and 4.3. INESCTEC will also participate in other tasks, supporting the SMEs in Scientific and technological related themes.

Country: Portugal

GREAT on Market4.0 YouTube Channel