ENGINEERING is the leading Italian software and services group, with 9,000 employees and 50 sites distributed in Italy, Germany, Spain, Belgium, Republic of Serbia, South America (Brazil and Argentina) and United States, a consolidated revenue portfolio in 2016 of about 934,6 million Euros. ENGINEERING has a consolidated presence on all vertical markets and operates through its 4 business units – Public Administration & Healthcare, Telco & Utilities, Industry & Services, Finance – supported by cross-business unit centres of competence and by the Research and Innovation Department which has the dual role of promoting research on software at an international level and transferring innovation to the production cycle of the business structures.

The Group invests about 30 million Euro/year in research, with about 250 researchers, more than 70 ongoing national and international research projects and 6 development laboratories. The Group carries out IT innovation, combining the potential of a full, integrated offer of Business Integration, Infrastructural Outsourcing and Cloud services (provided by 5 Data Centers), Consulting and customized proprietary solutions. ENGINEERING is core partner of EIT Digital (Trento node of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology), co-founder of the Big Data Value cPPP, co-founder of the European initiative Future Internet PPP, partner of the Alliance for the Internet of Things (AIOTI PPP), board member of the European Organisation for Security EOS, and co-founder of the initiative NESSI (Networked European Software and Service Initiative).

ENGINEERING is one of the main founders and active participants of FIWARE in all its aspects, from the coordination standpoint, to the technical standpoint (strong presence in the previous FI PPP Architectural Board), to the business and exploitation standpoint (ENGINEERING is one of the four founders of the FIWARE Foundation)
